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Exploring Careers in the Information Technology (IT) and Engineering Pathway

Learning Goals

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of job titles, qualifications, and career paths in the information technology (IT) and engineering career pathways as they relate to Esports.  
  2. Describe quality assurance practices and methods employed in producing and providing quality IT products and services (ITC10.14).
  3. Use a variety of technologies within a design process to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful or imaginative solutions (ISTE 1.4).
  4. Explain the key functions and applications of software (ITC10.02.01).
  5. Use product/service design processes and guidelines to produce a quality IT product/service (ITC03.01).
  6. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate a design or product and improve the design using testing, modeling, and research (SCPA11.02.02)
  7. Use critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them (Career Ready Practice 8).

Guiding Questions

  • What career IT and engineering opportunities are there in Esports?
  • How can I evaluate hardware needs for an Esports player or team? 
  • How can I work within a budget to create a hardware solution?
  • What are some ways Esports professionals evaluate games in development? 
  • How do critical thinking skills contribute to success in an IT or engineering career in Esports?


Module 5: Vocabulary

  • Camping
  • Crafting 
  • Grinding
  • Noob
  • RNG (Random Number Generator)



  • Assistive Technology
  • Back-end
  • Cookie
  • Engineering 
  • Expediting


  • IT and Engineering Career Pathway Exploration and exit slip
  • Career Interview or Job Shadowing Experience and reflection
  • Career Quest in Evaluating PC Components for Gaming or Evaluating Gaming Software with an emphasis on critical thinking skills
  • Formative assessments including MIndMap on careers in IT and engineering, Fishbone Diagram, and My Career Exploration Goals